Mob Daddies: A Contemporary Romance Box Sex Read online

Page 21

  Danny comes over. I try to shrug her arm off my shoulder but she hangs on. Danny gives me a scathing look and I try to convey that I am not happy about it either.

  “What’s so funny,” Danny asks.

  Trixie snorts. “I was just trying to imagine the librarian here.”

  “Don’t call her that,” I say. I glare at Danny. “You told her.”

  Danny shrugs. “She eavesdrops. You shouldn’t have spent so much time avoiding your wife at my house if you didn’t want her to overhear you.”

  In the corner near the pool table, two men shout at each other and a large bouncer rumbles over and takes one by the arm.

  Trixie sips her drink. “No need to be defensive. I mean come on, if it weren’t for the bakery, she’d never have given you a second look. She’s worse than Julie.”

  I frown. “She’s nothing like Julie.”

  Trixie laughs. “No, you’re right. She’s got brown hair instead of blonde. And she thinks she’s in love with you.”

  “Trixie,” I warn. “Enough.”

  Danny eyes me. “You always said the key to everything was not mixing business with pleasure.”

  “I’m not.”

  “He got a dog,” Trixie says.

  “You what?” Danny looks surprised.

  “It was a sneak attack,” I say. “Maddie found it.”

  “You’re breaking a lot of your own rules,” Danny frowns.

  I want to deny all this, but I can’t. The truth is, Harry called me earlier today. It was why I was late getting home. Julie and her parents got the report from the caseworker and decided to drop the case. Harry said it was because they knew they didn’t stand a chance. We were too convincing as a happy family. The problem was, even I was starting to be convinced. And I don’t want to tell Summer. I don’t want it all to end.

  Later, the whiskey warming my veins, Danny comes and sits down next to me. “Listen, I didn’t want to say anything before, but Angelo’s back in town and he’s been showing up and saying shit.”

  “What kind of shit?” I ask. After the wedding, Harry and I sent Angelo on a one-way trip to Las Vegas to stay with his mother.

  “He’s been talking about you and Summer. How you bought her for the bakery.”

  “I didn’t fucking buy her! That piece of shit. I should have sent him to an early grave.”

  “The problem is, people know where to find Summer. The bakery isn’t a secret, and you’ve made some enemies. We all have. The more she’s associated with you, the more of a target she becomes.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with wanting...more,” Danny says. “But in our business, it’s always dangerous. I just want to make sure you know what you’re doing. Not that I want you with my sister, but at least she knows the world we live in.”

  “Don’t worry. I have no intention of dragging Summer down.”

  “That isn’t what I said,” Danny shakes his head.

  “But it’s true.” I take another gulp of whiskey and let it burn down my throat. The idea of Summer in danger makes me sick. Whatever game I’ve been playing with Summer has to end. And it needs to end now.

  “If she’s as into you as Trixie thinks, she may not just walk away.”

  “Don’t worry, Danny. If there is one thing I know how to do, it’s be the bad guy.”

  I shake my head. I already know what I have to do, I just dread it. I down the whiskey and order another.

  Chapter 21


  When Kane gets home, he’s drunk. He undresses and crawls into bed next to me and he reeks of whiskey.

  I want to confront him, to make him deny what Trixie implied. It’s obvious she’s jealous. But I also don’t want to know. I’ve already decided if it’s true, I can’t stay here. But feeling Kane against me, I know I want him one more time. One last time.

  In bed, Kane doesn’t talk either. He starts to rub my back, his hands making their way to my ass. His hands move to the front of my panties and slip inside the waistband. He palms my clit and shoves my body closer to his. As he slides his fingers inside me, I gasp. I hate that I am turned on and jealous as hell all at the same time. Maybe I don’t trust him as much as I want to.

  He pulls my head to the side and kisses me, his tongue sliding into my mouth as his fingers continue to play with my clit. He continues to stroke me and I moan again. I feel him behind me, but unlike the gentleness I’ve come to expect these last few weeks he is rough. He kisses the back of my neck and thrusts his already bulging erection against my ass. There is a neediness to him that I want to believe is just that he’s drunk, but it seems more than that. And I am needy too. I want this to mean he wants me as much as I want him.

  He pulls my t-shirt up and roughly cups my breasts, stroking me until my nipples are hard and tender. Then he shoves my panties down and I can feel his erection rubbing up against my ass. My body reacts to his touch and it feels so good. We’re both desperate, and I don’t understand why, but the need is bigger than both of us. My breathing is faster and I let myself forget everything and just grind my ass into his cock. He sweeps the hair from the back of my neck and he pulls me harder against him, his lips kissing my neck as we move up and down against each other, the friction of our bodies against each other driving us both crazy.

  “You feel so fucking wet, Princess,” he growls. “Nobody gets as wet for me as you do.”

  I close my eyes and move against his fingers but even as the pleasure begins to grow, I find myself trying to make sense of this. I turn my head back toward him and he lifts his own head so he can kiss my mouth hard. This isn’t the Kane I know. Rough. Almost cruel. He slips his tongue into my mouth as his fingers stroke my clit. I gasp and my body wants him to continue even if my brain wants to stop. He wraps his other hand around my breasts and shoves me even harder against his cock. Our tongues are stroking each other’s mouths and my breathing is ragged as he continues to drive me into climax. His fingers move faster, and I close my eyes.

  “That’s it, baby,” he says as he strokes me. I buck against him but he holds me tighter, squeezing a nipple until I cry out.

  “Tell me what you want me to do, Princess?”

  “I want you to fuck me,” I say. “Like you fuck Trixie.”

  I don’t know why I say it, except maybe that I want him to get angry and deny it. Instead, he freezes for a moment like I’ve slapped him. But instead of assuring me it isn’t true, he sits up in bed and flips me on my stomach, raising my ass in the air. His movements are angry and rough and I hate how turned on I am. He puts one hand on my head, pushing me against the pillow. He slides my soaking panties all the way down to my ankles as my body still convulses from the last orgasm. It won’t take much to do it again.

  “This is how Trixie likes it,” he says.

  He takes my hips in his hands and sitting up on his knees, he slides himself into me from behind. I can feel him deep inside me and he starts to thrust into me hard. At first, I don’t know if I can handle his strength, but as he thrusts in and out I find my body rocking to meet his, my ass higher in the air. The friction feels amazing and I am groaning into the pillow, desperately clawing at the sheets as he pounds into me. I orgasm again and again and then I feel Kane shudder and cry out on top of me.

  Afterwards, he rolls over so he isn’t facing me. I turn away from him.

  “You’ve really been sleeping with Trixie this whole time?”

  He pauses for a moment and then turns to face me. His eyes are a little glazed from drink and sex, but they are as cold as his voice. He looks like the man who busted up the bakery for the first time since that night.

  “You mean fucking?” he says. “Of course.”

  “You said I belonged to you,” I say. Tears are welling in my eyes.

  “You do. Or you did.”

  “What does that mean?”

  He shrugs. “Contract is over. And you performed beautifully. Really went above and beyond. But I mea
n, Princess, sometimes a man needs to be with someone who knows what the hell they’re doing.”

  “Fuck. You.” I say. A part of me believes he’s lying. Knows it. And if I told him now about the baby, I might shake him loose from whatever is going on. But then I think about how he might just do what he did with Julie and ask me to stay married for the baby. Even if I want that, I don’t want to trap him into it. And I just don’t know which version of Kane to believe. The tears are falling now and I let out a small sob. This seems to be the last straw for him. He stands up and starts getting dressed.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I hate when women cry,” he says. “It’s fucking pathetic. I’m going to go see Trixie. You should be gone when I get back, understand?”

  “Not a problem,” I say, my anger in this moment bigger than my sadness.

  He closes the door and I listen, stunned, as he goes down the steps and out the front door. I’ve been a total, complete fool. I cry myself to sleep, exhausted and heartbroken.

  Chapter 22


  The last few days have been hell. Maddie hates me for letting Summer leave. I miss Summer like hell, and there aren’t enough bad guys in this city to punch into oblivion to feel like I didn’t make the worst mistake of my life lying to her and hurting her the way I did. Which considering my history, is saying something. Also, in a pathetic attempt to get back on Maddie’s good side, or maybe because the damn dog reminds me of Summer, I’ve kept Monster and he’s also pretty pissed about Summer being gone. He’s chewed up an accent pillow and peed all over the rug. Today I came home to find he’d knocked over the kitchen trash can and spilled coffee grounds and trash all over the goddamn floor.

  I start sweeping up the mess when I see it. It must have been shoved pretty far down, but the little monster puppy went through and dragged everything out. A pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test.

  The puppy gnaws at a small wrapped package. I take it and unwrap it. A framed photo of Summer, Maddie, and I. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  When I found out that Julie was pregnant, I felt dread. Not because of Maddie, though I’d be lying if I said I thought at the time I was ready to be a parent. I was young and stupid and Julie and I barely even liked each other. But the dread wasn’t about that. It was about being tied to Julie for the rest of my life. The dread of being tethered to another person. But this time, I am relieved. I had thought Summer would be better off without me, and she probably still would be. But I realize I don’t care. It’s selfish, but I want Summer. I want Summer and this baby and a future, whatever the hell that might look like, however dangerous it might be for all of us.

  I grab my keys and run out the door, grabbing Monster on the way. He’s yapping like crazy. This little puppy is my new favorite creature in the world. I just pray to God it isn’t too late.

  Chapter 23


  The bus station is the same as I remember it, but I am amazed how in just a few months, everything has changed. Last time I was here, it was Maddie who was red-eyed and crying after her awful experience with her mom, and now I sit waiting for my bus to board and take me home to Madison, eyes red-rimmed from crying about Kane and how foolishly I’d believed we cared about each other. They call my bus number and I board my bus, taking a seat toward the back. Rudy wants me to stay and take over the bakery for him, but I know if I stick around Maddie will keep coming around and I won’t be able to hide the pregnancy. And I have decided to keep the baby. Maybe for Kane I was nothing but a naïve, easy lay, but he was more to me. If I stay here in Chicago, I’ll have to tell him and I have a feeling he’ll do what he did with Julie, he’ll ask me to marry him. Only I know he won’t mean it. He made that clear our last night together. As much as I want to stay at the bakery, I know I have to go back to Madison. Becca has called me every day since I moved out of Kane’s house, and she promises to be back from London for the first ultrasound. I’ve really made a huge mess of everything.

  As I wait for the rest of the bus to board, I send a quick text off to Becca. She zips one back, assuring me that her mom will be waiting for me when I arrive and promises to have multiple pints of ice cream ready for me. After all, she jokes in her text, I’m eating for two now.

  I sit alone in the back of the bus and while a few people look at me as they board, I am grateful that nobody sits next to me. I’ll be proud of myself if I don’t cry the whole bus ride, and no amount of my mom’s cheer-up cookies will help. I still feel like such an idiot. I really believed Kane loved me, and the worst part is, a part of me still does.

  The bus engine revs and the bus starts to back up when it comes to a sudden and lurching stop. The doors open with a hiss of compressed air and I hear the familiar yap, yapping of Monster. I peer down the aisle and the dog comes bounding at me, jumping up into my lap.

  “Monster,” I say. “What are you doing here?”

  The bus driver comes down the aisle and eyes me in an unfriendly way. “No pets on the bus, lady. Unless she’s a service dog, you two need to get off.”

  I stand up. I’m worried that Maddie found out I was leaving and skipped school to say goodbye and I can’t leave her like this. I nod and take Monster in my arms. “Sorry,” I say. “Just give me five minutes.”

  The bus driver nods and I hurry off the bus and look around for Maddie. The bus station is packed with people, so I don’t see him at first. But then I feel the familiar tingle on the back of my neck. The undeniable heat of his stare. I turn around again and that’s when I see him.

  He walks over. His face looks frustrated? Angry? I can’t tell and honestly, I am trying very hard not to care. I remind myself, and the familiar thrill in my veins, that he doesn’t care, and I don’t care either.

  “What do you want?” I ask. My voice trembles.

  Kane looks at me. “I need to clear up a few things.”

  “Such as?”

  He frowns. “Well, such as that I am an idiot who lied to you. I wasn’t sleeping with Trixie. There hasn’t been anyone else in my bed...or in my heart ...since you threw that cookie tin at me, and I don’t want anyone else.”

  At this shocking double whammy of a confession, I don’t know what to say. “But…you said you were sleeping with her. Why would you lie?” Even as I ask, I think I know, and it breaks my heart.

  He looks in my eyes. “With the contract up, I needed you to be safe. And you aren’t safe with me. Not to mention you are too good for me. That’s just fucking common sense.”

  “Kane,” I say.

  He holds up his hand. “But the last few days have been a new hell. I thought being near your body was torture, but being away from you... So I am a selfish asshole, and for once, I’m glad. Because only an idiot rips up a winning lottery ticket. And there are other reasons….” he glances at my stomach. I know then that he knows.

  “No. I don’t want you to marry me to be honorable.” I say.

  He gets down on one knee and holds up the wedding ring I left at his house a few days before. “How about being married because I love you so much it makes me fucking crazy and I can’t spend one more day not with you. The baby can just be a bonus.”

  The dog yaps in my arms. “What about Monster? We keep him too, right?”

  He frowns. “Are we negotiating terms?”

  I nod. “We should have Harry draw up a new contract,” I say. “Lots of physical contact required.”

  Kane stands and slips the ring on my finger. “Binding until death do us part?” He asks.

  “Something like that,” I say.

  And I reach up and kiss my beautiful, dangerous husband.





  Max. My brother’s best friend…

  He’s pure, delicious, panty-melting, sex on a stick…

  But I’m not about to make the same mistake twice.

  I’m back in my hometown and
my past just crept up and slapped me in the face.

  I walked away from this life years ago.

  The mob. The danger. The uncertainty.

  Max stayed.

  Now I’m coming face to face with my ex and he’s even more tempting than before.

  And when he touches me… I melt.

  I swore I never would, but here I am letting him make me scream his name.

  It will never work.

  He’ll never leave the business and I’m never coming back.

  But nobody can bring me to my peak the way Max does. Nobody.

  How the hell can I walk away again?

  Is there still a chance we could start the family we used to dream of?

  Chapter 1


  Nothing ever changed here. The entire block of row houses stood solid and resilient, as they had since I was a small child. Once painted in bright, happy palettes, they were now simply faded ghosts of their former selves. I had purposely requested to be dropped at the corner, so that I could fully take in the old neighborhood scene. Everything was covered with the regular east coast January snow drifts, and in spite of the city sounds in the background, my street seemed lifeless and abandoned.

  I immediately regretted the walk.

  But I could see it there – the Angelone family residence – six houses down and an even paler shade of green than I remembered. It had been a few years since I had been home. Perhaps it was decaying faster than I had expected. Perhaps I had overestimated the pleasantness of nostalgia. The actual reality of what I was seeing had a much more depressing tone.

  Regardless, I belonged to it just as much as it belonged to my family.