Mob Daddies: A Contemporary Romance Box Sex Page 39
Samson, who in another life must have been an amazing therapy dog, rolls over on his back on Lily’s lap. “See, he wants you to give him a good luck belly rub,” I say.
“You’ll be here when I get done?” Lily asks.
“Both of us will be,” I say. “But, what am I supposed to be doing while you are at school?” I ask.
Lily shrugs. “Beats me. I’ve been telling my dad forever I don’t need a nanny anymore. I’m nine years old! But it’s hard to get him to agree to anything.”
“I’m going to give you a little tip I learned from Samson years ago when he ate two pounds of frozen chicken I had set out to thaw, but you have to promise never to tell where you learned it. Ready?”
Lily nods.
“It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.”
Lily laughs. “You really are the best nanny!”
Chapter 13
The accountant leaves my office on the verge of tears just as Aster comes in and puts a cup of coffee on my desk.
“That’s the second one you’ve fired today. Keep this up and we won’t have the staff to take over Systems Industries.”
“If he wants to call himself a financial advisor.” I slam down a stack of papers. “He should know how to do simple fucking math.”
“I don’t think it’s the accountant that’s bothering you,” she says.
“And I don’t think I need a fucking therapist, Aster. What I need is a new senior accountant. Find me one. One who can add 2 plus 2.”
I take a sip of the coffee. I’m wound up tense and I know Aster is right. That accountant didn’t deserve the thrashing I’d just given him. But I can’t relax because I can’t stop thinking about Hannah. The way she looked in that nightgown. How beautiful she’d been in her surprisingly elegant and modest outfit this morning. She’s driving me fucking insane.
There’s a knock at the door and Carl stands at the entrance. I wave him in.
“You can go, Aster,” I say.
She looks pissed at the dismissal. I don’t usually leave her out of conversations like this, but I can tell from Carl’s face he’s dug something up.
“Sir,” he says. “We’re still looking into Hannah’s past, but I did talk to Bennie.”
“He says it’s possible someone else got a hold of his phone.” Carl makes air quotes with his hands. “He hates those ‘damn contraptions’, as he refers to them, and always leaves his in his office.”
I lean back in my chair. “So whoever sent that text had to have access to Bennie’s phone without drawing too much suspicion and know the shop would be closed that night. Nico?”
“Bennie said he’s been skulking around town,” Carl said. “But he hasn’t dared show his face at the shop.”
I shake my head. “He could have snuck in, but he isn’t exactly a subtle fucker is he? And if it is Finch, he has to know we’re watching Nico. Find out who had their car worked on recently. See if anyone else can be traced back to Finch.”
Carl nods.
“Anything on the break-in?” I ask.
“No. Except Hannah usually works the night shift but switched that day. So either it wasn’t planned…”
“Or whoever did it knew her change in schedule.” I frown. “Talk to Joey. Tell him if he doesn’t want another broken nose he’d better be really good at remembering who knew about her shift change.”
“There are other possibilities, Sir.”
I look up at him and I already know what he is thinking. “Like she staged it? She’s in on it too? No fucking way. But there is the possibility they might have intended to find her there. They might have intended to hurt her like they did Angelina.”
“If that is true, the best thing to do for her is to send her away,” Carl says. “Not keep her close. You need to show that she is meaningless to you.”
“I know that,” I say. “But she stays.”
Carl leaves without another word and I slam my fist down on the table. The idea of someone hurting Hannah makes me murderous with rage, but the idea of sending her away, even to protect her, is even worse. I’ve always been a selfish bastard, and I don’t plan on stopping now.
Chapter 14
When we meet Lily just outside the front entrance after school, she gives me and Samson the warmest, sweetest hugs. We head right to her tutoring and then ballet class. The chef packed us some snacks, grapes and cheese and some fancy little sandwiches that we munch on as Hans chauffeurs us around. But it isn’t until we arrive at the dance studio that Lily actually seems excited. I totally relate, ballet was my happy place as a child too.
The owner and headteacher of the studio is a lovely old Russian woman, Madame Volkov, and I recognize her the moment I see her. She was quite famous in her day and involved in more than one epic, dance love affair. Some people say the ballet Le Amoureuse was based on her. When we walk in I introduce myself and she nods politely. Despite her epic history, I notice that she seems a little frazzled as the students arrive and funnel into the different studio rooms.
“Is everything okay?” I ask.
“Unfortunately, my teacher for Lily’s class is out sick,” she says. “I’ve got a full schedule and I think we may need to cancel tonight’s lesson.”
Behind Lily, I see the brown-haired girl with freckles from school walk in along with a few others who all groan in unison over the news that their lesson may be cancelled.
“But we have a show,” the brown-haired girl says. “We have to practice!”
Lily perks up. “Hannah can lead the class,” she says. She speaks so quietly that only I hear her, but before I can stop her, she clears her throat and raises her voice. “Hannah can lead the class!” she repeats.
Madame Volkov looks me over through her horn-rimmed, tortoiseshell glasses.
“I danced for the Boston Ballet until recently,” I stammer.
“So, there you go! Can she fill in tonight?” Lily asks, “we’ll show her the choreography.”
“Very well,” Madame Volkov says. “If she’s willing.”
“Pleeeease,” Lily begs me.
I swore I was done with dance, but I just can’t bring myself to disappoint these girls. Part of me wonders what it would be like, just for a night, to forget why I stopped dancing and remember how much I love it. And I have a feeling with a little help from me as the teacher, I can help Lily and her school friend get over their shyness and become best buddies.
“Okay,” I smile. “Let’s dance!”
Chapter 15
When we get home, Dax hasn’t returned from work yet and Hans swaps out with another security guard named Victor. The chef has left dinner for us, a beef stew and warm, homemade bread. Lily instinctively goes to sit at the expansive table, but I wag my finger at her, ticking my tongue.
“No way. This room is about as inviting as a bank safe.”
Lily looks at me. “I don’t understand.”
“We’re taking this meal to go.”
“The security men won’t let us go out after 8 pm. Daddy’s rule.”
“I’m not imagining us going far. How about a picnic in the living room? We can enjoy the city lights.”
“The rule is no eating in the living room.”
“Geez, your dad has a lot of rules. Kids are supposed to have some space to have a little fun,” I say.
Lily giggles again.
“What?” I ask.
“It’s Aster’s rule,” she picks up the bowl. “And like Samson says, it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission.”
I wink at her. “Samson is such a wise dog!”
I pick up my bowl and the basket of bread and we head into the living room. I dish out a little of the beef and broth into a small dish for Samson, who seems totally tickled by the whole event. We sit cross-legged on the floor and I miraculously figure out how to turn on the very fancy stereo to play some Tchaikovsky while we enjo
y our stew. Lily tells me all about her favorite ballets and I find out that Dax has taken her to see many of the shows himself, I’m glad he seems to make so much time for Lily even though he’s clearly a very busy man.
When the doorbell rings, I stand up. “I’ll get it.”
I head over to the foyer and open the door. I don’t know who I am expecting, but I never imagined it would be the young, handsome man on the other side of the door. He looks a lot like Dax, only younger and far less serious. He has a boyish quality to him when he grins at me, a boyishness that Dax lacks.
“And who are you?” The man asks. He’s wearing casual clothes, that are obviously designer labels and has sunglasses resting on top of his head. He looks like a stereotypical, rich, playboy that belongs on a yacht somewhere.
I look over his shoulder into the hallway, but I don’t see any of the security guys there.
“I think that’s something I should ask you.” I say. I have no idea what the protocol is in a situation like this and am now wondering if I should have opened to door at all. I hear the patter of Lily’s feet behind me and consider quickly slamming the door and calling Dax for help, but to my surprise, Lily takes one look at him and gives a little squeal of happiness.
“Uncle Finn!” She says, as she rushes over to give him a hug.
“Hey there, Lily! Happy that someone here is glad to see me.”
“You’re her Uncle?” I ask, flabbergasted. I’d forgotten that the gossip around Dax involved a younger brother, I guess this dashing playboy must be him.
“I am. But you still haven’t told me who you are?” He says. “Usually the only beautiful women Dax can land are the ones he steals from me.”
“Don’t tease her!” Lily scolds. “Daddy says Finn has terrible taste in women.”
“He does not say that! Does he?”
Lily takes his hand and drags him inside. “Come on. We’re having a picnic,” she says. “Are you hungry?”
“I actually just came by to chat with your dad really quick.” He looks me over and grins boyishly again. “But suddenly, I’m famished.”
He steps inside and I smile back. It’s a relief to be with a Hardin brother who doesn’t feel the need to play coy all the time.
“Just for a few minutes,” I say. “It’s getting late. We take Lily’s bedtime very seriously around here, as I’m sure you know.”
“I see you’ve already gotten a lecture from Aster.” Finn says. “She’s a terror,” he leans in and whispers. “But I think it’s kind of hot.”
Lily makes Finn a bowl of stew and he joins us cross-legged on the floor in the living room. He oozes charm as he tells one amazing story after another about Dax as a kid.
“And what about you?” Finn asks. “What’s your story?”
“Hannah’s really cool. She’s a ballerina.”
“Retired,” I say.
Finn cocks his head. “And how does a retired ballerina come to be working for my brother?”
“It’s a long story.”
“Well, I wouldn’t mind hearing it. Maybe you could tell me sometime. Over coffee?”
“What the hell is going on here?” A gruff voice interjects.
I look up to see Aster and Dax standing in the hall. Aster is glaring daggers at me and Dax looks almost just as angry, but he’s not glaring at me the way Aster is. He’s got his sight set on Finn.
“What are you all doing?” Aster asks. “That’s a Ziegler Mahal rug your disgusting dog is drooling beef bourguignon all over. Unbelievable. Lily, you know better!”
I stand up fast and try to hide the dishes behind me. It doesn’t help that Samson takes that opportunity to start licking them, causing the dishes to clank together. Way to read the room Samson.
“It wasn’t Lily’s fault. The picnic, it was my idea. And I’m sorry. You can dock my pay over the carpet.” I try to shoo Samson away from the bowls with my foot, but I just end up knocking one of the dishes over and sending Samson licking the carpet where some soup had just splattered. Aster looks as if I’ve literally smacked her in the face.
“Your paycheck for a year wouldn’t cover the cost,” she scoffs.
I blink. “Okay, either you don’t pay your nannies enough or you really overbid on this rug.”
Finn stands up. “Relax, Aster. I’ll pay for the rug. I stopped by and you know I can’t resist causing a little trouble.”
“It’s your best skill,” Dax says icily.
“Whoa there, what’s got you all fired up?” Finn asks, chuckling.
“Enough,” Dax’s voice is as chilled as I have ever heard it. “Lily it’s past your bedtime. Finn, go home. I’ll call you tomorrow. Aster, we have work to do.”
As Finn leaves, he calls out. “I’m serious about that coffee. I’ll be in touch.” He winks at me and I glance nervously over at Dax, who looks like he might punch a wall, or worse, his brother.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the Bastard of Boston is jealous.
Chapter 16
After I put Lily to bed, I try to get some sleep, but my head is reeling. First, from the obvious flirtation from Finn and second from what one might interpret as jealousy from Dax. But that doesn’t make sense. After all, he said this whole nanny sham was to show everyone that he doesn’t care about me. I am just an employee, right? So why does he care if his brother flirts with me? What happened between us that first night clearly isn’t going to happen again, and that’s fine with me, because I don’t want it to. If Dax wants nothing more than a professional working relationship with me then I don’t want any more than that either. But if that’s true, how come I can’t sleep?
Around midnight, I slip my clothes back on and head back out into the living room to survey the rug damage. It’s a bit late for my skirt and blouse, but the last thing I need right now is for Aster to catch me traipsing around in a nightie. I find a little seltzer and baking soda in the kitchen and try to pat the stains out, but I don’t have much luck. I have a feeling that Aster is going to force me to add this overpriced rug to my long list of debts. I sigh. Nights like tonight, I miss my mother more than ever. I very quietly play a little Satie on the stereo and stand staring out the huge windows, I like the view of the harbor best. My mom always loved sailing, or at least she claimed she did. She could never afford for us to go so I just took her word for it. I always dreamed of taking her out when I made it big as a dancer. A little thank you for all her years of believing in me, but like many of my dreams, that one is not going to come true.
As I look out over the lights of the city, I can feel him even before I hear him. A warm prickle of heat on my neck that spreads through my veins and heats up between my thighs. I watch in the reflection of the windows as he comes into the room and stands behind me, a drink in his hand. His dress shirt is unbuttoned at the neck and he seems much more relaxed than he was earlier this evening.
“Is Aster gone?” I ask.
“It’s past midnight,” he says, a non-answer I find infuriating. “How did it go today,” he asks as he sips his drink.
“Good,” I nod. “Lily is an amazing kid.”
“She texted me three times today telling me how much she likes you and begging me not to fire you.”
“I thought the phone was just for emergencies. Was I at emergency-level danger of being fired?” I laugh.
“I don’t normally accept so much insubordination. And I’ve never seen Aster lose her temper so easily before.”
“Yeah, she’s really into this rug.”
I can see his expression harden even in the reflection of the glass. “You should respect the rules here. They’re for your own protection.”
“I don’t think I need protection from this rug,” I smile. “So... new idea. Maybe you should relinquish a little bit of control. It might help your turnover rate with the nannies. Lily says there’s been more than a few. Maybe extend the bedtime lockdown, allow a little color into your employees’ wardrobes…”
br /> He chuckles. “Relinquishing control is not my style.”
“Styles can change. Just ask bell-bottom jeans and shoulder pads.”
He seems to be closer to me now. I swear I feel his breath on the back of my neck. I have to force myself not to groan with pleasure just from imagining him kissing my neck, moving his hands down to slide inside my panties…
“My style works very well for me. It’s gotten me this far. Maybe it’s you who should relinquish a little bit of control.”
“Fair enough” I say. I hope he can’t hear the catch in my breath. “It’s just fun to frustrate you.”
“Well, then you must be having a great time,” he says as he looks directly at me through the reflection of us in the glass. I feel my heart skip a beat. Possibly ten beats. This man makes me feel dangerously wild.
“But I do like this outfit,” he smiles. His rough hands reach down from behind me and unfasten the top button on my blouse. “It makes it easy to imagine undressing you.”
I gulp. “Is that something you imagine?”
I can feel Dax’s whole body pressed up against my back. He dips his hand down inside my bra and massages first one nipple then the other, both already hard from my filthy thoughts. I press my ass against him and feel his growing erection.
“Unfortunately, it’s something I can’t stop imagining,” he whispers. He takes one hand and slides it up my skirt and into my panties. As he touches me, I shudder in pleasure and press both of my hands against the glass. I know nobody can see us through the tinted windows, but it still feels dangerous and dirty to be doing this overlooking the entire city.
Dax kisses my naked shoulder and I shiver. “Have you been thinking about me?”
I nod. Emboldened, he cups my chin and turns me to face him, kissing me hard and deep. I can tell that he’s angry that he wants me, but I feel electrified by his need, his lust for me. It makes me feel like I finally have some power over Dax Hardin.