Mob Daddies: A Contemporary Romance Box Sex Page 41
“Good girl.”
He pulls down my panties and they fall in a tiny pool of fabric at my ankles. I step out of them as he begins to unbutton my blouse with one hand while the other strokes my ass and pulls me against his massive erection. He’s moving slowly, his tongue in my mouth, he’s in total control and I love it. I don’t want to think, I just want him inside me. He gets my blouse open and shoves down the cups of my bra. His hands are kneading my taut, hard nipples and he’s enjoying every grasp. I’m so close to the edge and he’s still fully clothed, this is so unfair.
I push him back slightly and with a small groan of agony, I pull away from his mouth. He looks at me with lust and I feel truly powerful, even knowing he’s in charge. I begin to undress him and when he’s stripped down like me, I lower myself to my knees and take him in my mouth.
The sound he makes nearly causes me to cum. I reach my hands around and run my hands over his ass, feeling him thrust and clench as I take him deeper and deeper. His hands are in my hair, roughly guiding my head as he pushes himself deeper inside my mouth. I’m not stopping until I’ve got him as frenzied as he has me. Just before he explodes, he pulls me to my feet and backs me up against the desk.
“Hannah,” he groans. “I need to fuck you right now.”
He doesn’t wait for a response, but lifts me up with his hands gripping my ass and sets me on to the desk. With one hand he sends the papers on the desk clattering to the ground. Then he tugs my hips toward him so that my naked bottom is nearly off the edge of desk.
“Promise me you’ll buy this guy a new desk when we’re done,” I smile. “Otherwise I can never show my face here again.”
“Promise,” he says. He kisses me and then pushes me down so my back is pressed against the cool, hard surface of the desktop. He lifts my legs up and crosses them against his chest, gripping my hips with both rough hands and thrusting into me hard. I clutch the side of the desk and moan. He’s so deep inside me and he’s so thick and hard, the rhythm of his thrusting begins to build a frenzy in me that rocks my entire body. He reaches down and holds tight to my hips and lifting my ass he thrusts into me again and again, harder and harder. I feel his wild, animal need to claim me, to prove to me that I am his. I arch my back and revel in the power I have to make this man need me so desperately. As I pulse and moan in orgasm, I feel him thrust hard inside me and then shudder in his own deep pleasure.
He pulses a few last times inside me, then leans over and whispers in my ear, “Hannah, I’m in love with you.”
I kiss Dax long and deep. “I’m so glad you can finally admit that. I’m in love with you too.”
When we arrive back at the penthouse, it’s still early and I have over an hour before I have to pick Lily up from school.
“I’m going to take a shower,” I say. Dax nuzzles my ear. “The other nannies will be able to smell the sex on me,” I laugh.
“I’ve arranged for Hans to pick Lily up and a sitter is coming to stay with her for the night,” he says.
“Why?” I look at him. “I thought we could do like a family date. We could play Pictionary or do a jigsaw puzzle or something. Well, maybe not a puzzle, Samson’s been known to eat the pieces.”
He kisses me. “Not tonight. Tonight I’m taking you out.”
“Taking me out where?” I ask.
“A fundraiser.”
“I don’t know,” I say. “I’d really like to go somewhere and maybe talk a little more?” Ever since we left the restaurant, I’ve known I have to come clean about everything, the pregnancy, and especially who I am. I wonder what caused this sudden change of heart anyway. I thought I was supposed to be in some kind of danger and had to be hidden away. I don’t voice my concerns. If the Bastard of Boston wants me on his arm tonight, I’m not going to argue.
Dax shakes his head. “Listen, I have to go to this event, then we can talk. Besides, after what happened at lunch today, I don’t think Claire will be willing to join me and I need a plus one. That’s your fault. You owe me.” He says with a smirk.
He kisses me deep and hard, using one strong hand to lift my body off the ground so that I am straddling him against the wall of the penthouse foyer.
“Okay,” I say, breathless and panting. “I always pay my debts.”
He kisses me again and slips his hand under my shirt. “Maybe I’ll join you in that shower. I feel pretty dirty myself right now.”
I’m pretty sure we used all the hot water in Boston during our shower. Two orgasms later, I go to my room and find a stunning evening gown laid out on the bed, a champagne-colored, tulle and silk beauty. I pick up the dress and hang it on the hook behind the door, I don’t think I’ve ever worn such a magnificent gown in my life. My phone pings.
Wear it tonight. Dax texts.
I type my response. You never get tired of giving me orders, do you?
My phone pings again. It’s the thrill of my life. Just like yours is disobeying them.
I snort. He won’t get any complaints from me about that beautiful dress. You’re in luck. Despite how much I love disobeying you, I happen to be low on appropriate formalwear for a fundraiser.
Good. Carl will pick you up at seven.
My heart drops again. Wait, we aren’t going together? Does this mean I’m back to being the pretend nanny? As if Dax can read my thoughts, which I am pretty sure he can, my phone pings again.
I have a late meeting. I’ll meet you there. If you are on my arm, you’ll be in the papers tomorrow. If that isn’t what you want, it’s not too late to back out.
But, as I put my hand on my stomach, I know it is in fact too late. Way too late. And I am way too much in love.
Chapter 19
Seeing Hannah out with my brother had me instantly seeing red. Finn has always been that way, always too willing to take what doesn’t belong to him, what he didn’t earn.
My lunch meeting with Claire wasn’t romantic, just closing a business deal while making the typical Dax Hardin rounds. The truth is I haven’t been romantically involved with any other woman since Hannah came into my life. I haven’t wanted to be involved… I haven’t wanted anything but Hannah. I don’t think she realizes how much she’s consumed my mind, hell, my entire life since that night in the alley. Carl and Aster still have their doubts, but I know who Hannah is. And I love her.
Attending tonight’s fundraiser with Hannah on my arm is a risk, and I don’t take that lightly. I’ve beefed up security around the Century Tower to make sure she’ll be safe, but I’ll have to find a way to keep Hannah safe for the rest of her life, because I can’t imagine living without her. What happened at lunch today made it crystal clear to me that if I didn’t make a real commitment soon, I would lose her forever. I couldn’t let that happen, because in some strange way we had all become a family, Lily, Hannah and me. I’m just not willing to hide that anymore.
I don’t know for certain who’s targeting me now, but I know who’s responsible for Angelina’s death and I don’t think it’s any coincidence that Charles Finch would strike again now. The Systems Industries shareholders are on my side and the acquisition is all but done, no wonder he’s trying to send a message now.
Soon, I’ll own Finch’s company and I won’t let up until his whole life is destroyed, like he destroyed mine. He won’t ever get his hands on Hannah, I’ll make sure of that. And soon, Finch will be eliminated for good, I’ve waited long enough.
Chapter 20
When I arrive at the fundraiser my heart is nearly beating out of my chest. This isn’t just a little auction and dinner to save the whales or something, this is the annual National Museum Art Gala. This is one of the biggest, fanciest events in Boston. Shit. I didn’t want to be a secret, but I’m not ready for this either, not without Dax knowing the truth about who I am. But it is too late. Dax is already there, waiting to help me out of the car when Carl pulls up to the curb. Dax takes my arm in his and leads me up the velvet red stairs to
the museum entrance.
“You look beautiful,” he whispers in my ear.
“You look pretty fuckable yourself,” I say quietly. He bursts out laughing.
Dax escorts me into the museum’s atrium where our appearance quickly peeks the interest of the Boston upper-crust. He wasn’t exaggerating. By tomorrow all of Boston will know we’re an item. I gulp. And so will my dad. I realize that I need to tell him the truth before it is too late. Actually, I should have told him a month ago. As a waiter offers us each a glass of champagne, I try to pull Dax aside.
“Can we talk somewhere,” I say. “I need to….”
Aster comes up to us. She looks stunning in a black cocktail dress. “There you are,” she says, ignoring me as if I’m just another waiter. “The Mayor is here and I think a quick chat can bury the hatchet. We need him on our side,” she smiles. “Hannah, if you’ll excuse us.”
“Sure,” I say. “I won’t go far, it’ll just be a minute,” Dax says reassuringly. I watch them walk away and take a sip of champagne. And then I see them. My father and half-brother, Charles and Brayden Finch. The CEO and VP of Systems Industries. I pray that my father hasn’t seen me yet and try to find a corner to duck into. I’d really like to avoid a scene and I wouldn’t exactly be thrilled if everyone at the gala found out that I’m Charles Finch’s illegitimate daughter before Dax does.
To my horror, Charles excuses himself from his son’s side and walks over. He pretends to be admiring the painting I am standing in front of.
“This piece is lovely,” he says. “What do you think?”
“I don’t know anything about art,” I shrug.
“Considering what I paid for your education, I’m disappointed to hear that.”
“What the hell do you want?” I ask.
“Hannah,” he says. “This ridiculous grudge of yours is too much....”
“You abandoned my mother! I didn’t even know who you were until she was dying. Then I came to you and I begged you for money, a loan, anything to help her when she got sick, and you laughed at me! Did she really mean so little to you? Did I really mean so little to you? And you want me to be a part of your sick, twisted family, act like you ever really gave a shit about me? Fuck you! I had a family. I had my mother, and now she’s gone.”
“And this is your revenge? You turn your back on me and show up here with Dax Hardin? That street trash!” He says. “He’s a petty criminal. He’s been trying to destroy me for years.”
I laugh. “Me being here with him has nothing to do with you.”
I look up and see Dax rushing over with a worried expression, struggling to get through the crowd.
“I think you need to ask yourself a question, Hannah,” he takes a sip of champagne and then lifts his glass toward Dax, who looks like he’s about ready to murder Charles Finch. “How is your new boyfriend going to feel when he finds out that you’re the daughter of the man who he insists killed his wife?”
“Did you really do it?” I ask.
He laughs. “No, dear, I prefer to keep my crimes more white-collar than that. But Dax will never believe me.” He takes a step toward Dax. “And he’s hellbent on destroying me. Maybe I should go tell him right now that you are my darling baby girl. But he’s known to be unforgiving, especially toward people he thinks betray him. Trust me, he doesn’t need proof. He goes solely off of his street rat instincts.”
I grab his arm to stop him, suddenly chilled to the bone. “What do you want?”
He turns and smiles at me. “I knew you were a smart girl. Convince him to leave Systems Industries alone. Use your womanly charms. Your mother had them in spades. Do that, and he never has to know that you and I are anything more than strangers.”
I jerk my hand back and walk away, just as Dax finally reaches me. Dax grabs me by the arm and pulls me into a nearby hallway. He looks terrified and livid with anger.
“Are you okay? What the hell was that?” He asks.
“What do you mean? It was nothing.”
“It was nothing? I bring you out and the first person you talk to is Charles Finch. Are you fucking kidding me? That man is a fucking cockroach. Who the hell do you think I’ve been protecting you from?” He paces angrily then turns back to me. “What did he say to you?” Dax asks.
“He wanted to know my opinion on the painting. I told him I have rubbish taste in art,” I say.
“You really think I’m that big a fucking idiot?” He growls. I’ve never been scared of him before but in this moment, I feel a cold chill.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say.
“You weren’t talking to him like he was a stranger. You know him, don’t you? Tomorrow I’m signing the final documents to take over his company. He’s desperate to stop me, but you already knew that, didn’t you?” Dax’s eyes flare in anger.
I feel tired and sick. “What are you getting at?” I ask.
“It’s obvious you know him,” Dax says. “And it’s obvious you’re lying. I know your background. You’ve been in debt, you miraculously rescue me. It’s starting to seem convenient. Too convenient. Fuck! I should have listened to Carl.”
I turn toward him. I understand what he is insinuating, and I feel so insulted by it I can barely breathe. “You really think I’m some sort of spy for Charles Finch? That I took his money to seduce you and do, what?”
“Feed him intel,” he says. “Keep me preoccupied.”
He leans in and gives me a rough, desperate kiss, then quickly pulls away. “Maybe he took you for a spin before pimping you out to me.”
His words cut so deep I can hardly see straight. Instinctively, I slap him hard across the face, as hard as I can manage. Maybe the hit isn’t fair. He has every right to be suspicious, but I am still hurt that after all the time we’ve spent together he still assumes the worst. If he is this angry at the possibility of me being a spy, he’ll never forgive me for being Charles Finch’s daughter and lying about it all this time.
“After everything, if that’s what you think of me,” I wipe away a tear. “There’s really nothing more to say.”
I turn and walk away from the man I love, the Bastard of Boston. Because now I know. There’s no future for us.
Chapter 21
I look like hell and I don’t care. Walking into the boardroom I slam down my briefcase and stare down Charles Finch. Hannah never came home last night and I can’t blame her. The things I said to her the night before were awful… unforgivable… unless they were true. Lily was absolutely livid when I told her Hannah wasn’t coming back. She thinks I fired her the same way I fired all the nannies before, but it’s just not true. Part of me still doesn’t believe it, but if I was so off-base, then why didn’t she explain herself? I’m going to make all of them pay for this.
Charles Finch looks legitimately nervous. Good. And his fucking coward of a son, Brayden, didn’t even show. It’s just Finch and his lawyer. I sit down and loosen my tie and Aster takes a seat next to me. At least she’s happy that Hannah is gone.
“I thought perhaps we could begin with a negotiation,” Charles Finch says.
I laugh and lean forward just to feel him cower under my stare. “Not only am I going to take over Systems Industries,” I say. “But I am going to personally destroy your life. I don’t know what games you are playing at with Nico, having me attacked and bringing Hannah…. Ms. Gibbons into my life, but even she couldn’t stop me from taking you down. Pimping her out just makes you both scumbags,” I spit out.
There’s a knock at the door and Carl hurries in and sets a folder in front of me.
“You need to see this,” he says. I open it up and stare at the contents. My anger drains away quickly and I feel a sudden shudder of pain, and worse, fear.
“She’s your fucking daughter,” I say.
Aster looks as shocked as I feel. Charles Finch whispers something to his lawyer, who stands up and excuses himself.
“She is,” he says. “
And I don’t know what it says in your little file, but she hates me. Refused to have anything to do with me when I wouldn’t help her mother. Not exactly the perfect partner for this conspiracy you came up with,” he says calmly.
“What did you say to her last night?” I ask, fists tight.
“I told her I’d tell you who she was if she didn’t get you to back off, but since you came in ready to kill us both, it’s obvious our little conversation had no effect. It looks like she took the high road. She’s as stubborn as her mother.” He calmly takes a sip of water. “I swear to you Dax, I never hired this Nico. Not recently and not back then. I’ve been against you since you first showed up and yes, I’ve played dirty, but I had nothing to do with your wife’s death.”
I point to the folder. “After my wife died we found money transferred to Nico from an off-shore account in your name. And now I’m just finding out you took your Ferrari into Bennie’s garage to be serviced the same week I was lured down there and nearly murdered.”
A look of fear crosses Charles Finch’s face.
“What?” I ask. I pound my fist down on the table. “What?! Is Hannah in danger?”
Charles takes a sip of water. I can see he’s trying to figure out a way to leverage the situation. “I’ll tell you, but you have to promise to put the brakes on the Systems Industries takeover.”
I nearly lunge across the table. But I hold myself back, clinching my teeth. “You tell me if Hannah is in danger or I will climb across this table and pull your fucking dick out through your throat. Do you understand?”
Finch nods, his face pale. “I gave the Ferrari to my son a year ago. He told me it was in the shop, but I had no idea.”
Charles nods. “He just found out about Hannah a few months ago. He found the emails she wrote me. I knew he saw her as a threat… but I never thought he would... I can’t believe I didn’t see it until now. He hired Nico. It’s been him all along and...” Charles Finch looks genuinely scared. “You need to find Hannah now.