Mob Daddies: A Contemporary Romance Box Sex Read online

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  “Your parents are going to love that, Abs,” she quipped, shaking her head and closing her eyes as though she simply could not believe it.

  “I already told them, Fel. It’s fine.”

  “Is it?” she challenged.

  “I’ll see them on spring break.”

  “No, you won’t.” Felicity put her mug down and crossed her arms, giving me a very severe look. “You’ll be with Marcello.”

  Something inside of me snapped. “And what is so wrong with that? What?” I hadn’t meant to sound so angry, but it was becoming exhausting always trying to downplay what I had with Marcello for the sake of not alarming Felicity.

  “He. Left. You. He left you sobbing and alone and with no fucking clue as to when or if you’d hear from him again! And I was here for that, Abby. I got to see my best friend wrecked over a piece of shit mobster who had to fucking vanish from the country for top secret piece of shit mobster bullshit reasons. Me. And do you think he’s not going to do that again? It’s his job, Abby! It’s his life! He’s going to break your heart over and over and over and you’re just signing up for it like you don’t have a fucking brain in your head!” She stood, walking towards the door, clearly done with the conversation.

  I felt fire blazing through my veins. I stood up as well, locking eyes with her as she glanced back and speaking coldly, “Marcello is not a piece of shit. Get out.”

  There was shock on her face then. She looked on the verge of tears and I knew I had gone too far. I hadn’t even known what was coming out of my own mouth before it was too late. Felicity shook her head at me again, staring at me like she’d never seen me before in her entire life, and then turned and silently left my classroom.

  Marcello had insisted on sending Harrison to pick me up on Christmas morning. I sat bundled up in the backseat, a stack of presents beside me, wondering if Harrison had a family that he also was not seeing today because of Marcello Morano.


  He insisted, as I knew he would, on carrying my packages for me, and ushered me up the steps to the front door with his usual polite and guarded demeanor. The door was already opening, and there was Marcello, a happy and tranquil smile on his lips.

  “Merry Christmas, Miss Greene,” he murmured, pulling me into his embrace and kissing me sweetly with lips that spoke of a stirring desire which had no doubt been gathering intensity since the night of the Christmas play.

  “Merry Christmas, yourself,” I returned when my face was finally freed. I took in his scent, feeling the tingling spreading through my body. There was a sort of deprivation that desperately needed tending to between us, and I momentarily forgot why I had come in the first place.

  Gia’s shriek of excitement as she came flying down the front hall brought me back to earth. “MISS GREEEEEEEEENE!” She flew into me, nearly knocking me down with her hug, and I couldn’t help laughing at her uncontained joy.

  “Miss Greene is going to spend the day with us and help us celebrate Christmas. Would that be okay with you, Gia?” Marcello spoke to his daughter with a softness I hadn’t ever heard in his voice, and I realized I’d never actually seen the two of them together. It was fucking beautiful.

  Chocolate brown eyes were beaming at Marcello and me in turn. “YES! YES THAT’S OKAY WITH ME!” More emphatic hugs and then she eyed the stack of gifts Harrison had deposited by the front door. “PRESENTS!”

  I giggled and stole a glance at Marcello. He looked positively elated.

  The day unfolded so perfectly – so beautifully – that it was nearly terrifying. Like holding someone else’s priceless china cup, I felt an illogical fear that I would destroy it if I thought about just exactly how happy we all were.

  The gift exchanging warmed my heart. I had picked a few miscellaneous “girly” things for Gia, but the present I was most excited for was a tiny locket with her name engraved on the front. It was delicate and sweet – exactly like her – and she held it with wide eyes that looked almost tearful with emotion.

  “You can put pictures of you and your daddy in it – or of anything, really,” I offered, hoping her tears were from delight and not something else. Making Marcello’s daughter cry on Christmas Day would not be the ideal way to start this relationship.

  “I love it,” she whispered, pouncing on me once again with a tight hug – much longer than any she’d given me before. I pressed her curly head to my chest, feeling a surge of emotion that I now thought might make me cry.

  Marcello himself seemed to swipe at something on his cheek – swiftly and looking away.

  This was a good day.

  Gia proudly presented my present moments later and let out a little squeal as I opened a tiny box. Ruby earrings. And you know those rocks are real. I attempted to stay composed but knew the happy shock must at least be apparent to Marcello.

  “I picked them out myself! They match your dress from the Christmas play! You looked soooo pretty that night, Miss Greene!” Gia was bubbling out information, and I suddenly thought my blush might match my gift. A side glance at Marcello found him grinning and pursing his lips together to stop what I knew was self-satisfied laughter. He had seemingly liked that dress, as well.

  The eloquent meal had been catered in by God knows which outrageously expensive company. Marta had the day completely off. Marcello mentioned that most often Marta joined them for the holiday celebrations, as she really was family. Apparently, her sister had flown in to surprise her this Christmas, and they were off galivanting around the city together.

  I couldn’t quite imagine Marta’s elderly personage “galivanting” anywhere, but the thought made me smile.

  The day absolutely flew by. Gia had a million things to show me and tell me and ask me. Marcello happily observed, occasionally joining in, and his demeanor was so overwhelmingly pleased that I began to forget everything else. The tears, the mafia, Rossi, Charlie, Felicity – did any of it really matter when we were in our own magical world together?

  Marcello put Gia to bed himself late that evening while I sat in the darkened living room staring dreamily at the glowing Christmas tree lights. I hadn’t realized I was dozing until a gentle hand on my shoulder woke me up.

  “No sleeping just yet, Miss Greene,” he whispered, tenderly pulling me to my feet and putting a hand against my sleepy cheek. “I feel like we might have one last round of gift exchanging to do.” He smiled, confident and charming as ever, and I grinned calmly. The holiday certainly wasn’t over yet.

  He led me sweetly to the exact same room as that first time. I paid slightly more attention as we delved deeper into the house, realizing it all seemed vaguely familiar. Once inside, Marcello shut the door and turned to me, charcoal eyes burning.

  “Do you know why I chose this room for us, Abby?”

  I shook my head, dazed.

  “It’s never been used before. Ever. By anyone. It always seemed too grand for a guest room. It seemed too grand for anyone, really. Until you.” He walked to me slowly, hands in his pants pockets, looking casual and delicious simultaneously. “Now it’s Abby’s room. And wonderful things seem to happen in Abby’s Room.”

  He smiled widely, winking at me and looking hungry now, and gently tugged at my fingers, leading me to that same four poster bed that had started all of this. He began to undress me, carefully and calmly, as he had that night. I felt like my insides were actually vibrating with sweet expectation.

  I gingerly climbed on the bed, completely naked and wet with anticipation, while he undressed himself. I had a small, hungry grin on my face watching every heavenly contoured, muscle-bound part of his body become bare.

  If I were a painter, I would only paint him. Over and over and over...

  He was swollen – ready. Merry Christmas to me. Yet he still seemed to pace himself, advancing stealthily until he was directly over me, our entire bare bodies touching and bracing for intense pleasure.

  “Abby. The last time... at the school...” he spoke very quietly, staring into my
eyes and seeming to see straight into my soul. “You make me insane. That was insane.” He smiled, as though insanity had become his new favorite past time. “You need to know that I – “

  I stopped breathing. He seemed to hesitate, fighting some inner battle that just barely shone through his eyes.

  “This,” he slid into me then, slowly but strong, and so large I gasped loudly at the welcome intrusion. “This is how I feel about you.”

  What came next could only be described as love making. Some godly combination of tenderness and ferocity made every kiss, every grasp, every thrust a euphoric paradise meant only for us – for our bodies. I felt like we had elevated to a different reality where bliss was all that existed or mattered. Strong hands held me solidly pressed to him while passion took away our breath and animalistic need took away our minds. Little “oh’s” that escaped my lips with every strike of his surging, enlarged attacks became louder and louder until I was sure I was just going to exist in a world of screaming and ecstasy forever and ever...

  We came together. Every dripping, stimulated piece of my flesh felt the rush of flowing pearly cream filling my insides. My body greedily latched tighter and tighter, taking everything Marcello could possibly have to give with a violent need and possessed aggression. His final growling groan overtook everything and we both collapsed, exhausted and exultant.

  After a few minutes of silence and panting, Marcello reached for something on the bedside table, and gently dropped a tiny box onto my bare stomach. I looked at him, confused.

  “I may have had one small surprise left,” he admitted, grinning. “Open it.”

  I was nervous now – but pleasantly nervous. I had never been great with surprises and even worse at receiving gifts. I carefully undid the miniature bow that held the box together, and took the lid off. Inside was the unmistakable shape of a jewelry box. I pulled it out slowly, protesting now. “Marcello, you already gave me the earrings – I don’t – ”

  He put a finger to my lips, smiling and patient. “Abby. Just open it.”

  I popped it apart, and saw a glittering ruby necklace – that perfectly matched the earrings – sparkling inside. I looked at him with wide eyes. He simply continued to smile, and pulled the necklace delicately from its encasement, putting it gently around my neck and fastening it with deft fingers. He leaned back in satisfaction, staring at the gem that lay just above my incredibly bare breasts.

  “Perfection,” he stated with authority, as though his word was the final judgment on the matter. He locked eyes with me then, seeming intense and suddenly slightly dark. I tensed a little, unsure as to what had brought about this mood change. “Abby,” he began, running fingers heatedly across my breasts as he spoke. “I want you to wear this. Always.”

  I raised an eyebrow, nearly ready to giggle but caught the stern look on his face.

  “I want you to wear this always. Do you understand?” And now he seemed altered, more animal than human, commanding me with his gaze.

  I swallowed. “Yes, okay. Yes. I’ll wear it.”

  He grabbed me around the neck and kissed me passionately, surprising me with the aggressive action and stimulating my entire body in an instant. I responded hungrily, as if we hadn’t already been in bed for an hour and I had all the energy in the world. He pulled back, keeping me pinned down with one strong hand still firmly around my neck. “Always. Say you’ll wear it always.”

  “Always...” I murmured, heated now and beginning to feel delirious and greedy. His dark eyes were those deep abysses again, and to anyone else, they probably would have seemed terrifying. They simply made me crazy.

  “You’re mine,” he said, almost angrily. He kissed my forehead, flipped me over with infuriated vehemence, and proceeded to give me an extreme, ruthless fucking that almost screamed of his ownership.

  I had never been happier.

  Chapter 12

  I had exactly one week to prepare for what I realized would be our first official date. It seemed odd considering Marcello and I knew every single inch of each other – literally – already. But it was exciting all the same, and I felt myself growing nervous just as though it were a New Year’s Eve blind date with a stranger.

  Underneath all of the happiness, I couldn’t deny that there were still so many concerns. Every time I thought of Charlie my stomach turned, and I wondered just what he did sacrifice to warn me about Rossi. I felt guilty and responsible for whatever fate he had faced. The guilt grew when I thought about the fact that I hadn’t even taken his high-priced advice. Not at all.

  He had been right about Rossi. I knew that in my gut. Just thinking about that big man’s black eyes and all-knowing voice sent shivers through my body. I wanted to talk to Marcello about it. I just didn’t know how. Rossi was his father, for better or worse, and his employer. Rossi’s “career” was no secret to Marcello.

  It still ate at me that Rossi hadn’t told Marcello the truth behind his parents’ or Celia’s death, but it didn’t change anything. Security was already beyond top grade. The only result I could see from bringing it up to Marcello would be putting him in more emotional pain than he already was every day of his life.

  And things were going so well. It was finally starting to seem like we could have a semi-normal relationship in spite of everything else. Why would I want to ruin that? It had taken all this time to establish just the beginnings of what I hoped we would have. I knew that bubble would pop in a fast minute if I were to try to speak of the things I had been told.

  I did not want to let this go. I needed Marcello at this point as much as I needed oxygen to breathe. And in a strange way, I actually felt safer knowing I was probably being watched 24/7. Rossi might have instantly hated my guts, but he would protect me at all costs to protect Marcello. On top of whatever security Marcello himself had set up, I felt more than a little shielded from any harm that could ever come my way.

  I almost felt invincible. And with that a strange new sensation of power had crept into my mind that was both invigorating and liberating.

  So, I’m dating a guy in the mafia. Suddenly, I had the mafia looking out for me, and it seemed a bit more reassuring than getting a guard dog or carrying mace in my purse.

  Marcello was happy. I knew it, witnessed it, and had felt it so strongly. Gia was happy – sweet little Gia who meant so much to me as to start this entire thing. And I was fucking happy.

  I had even managed to come to terms with the criminal aspect of the situation. Rossi was a criminal. Marcello was a lawyer. So, he defended criminals. How many thousands of defense lawyers did that every day all across the country? It was his job. It was not him.

  I was aware that a part of me hoped, someday – somehow, that Marcello could completely extricate himself from Rossi’s dealings. I was even more aware that the likelihood of that ever happening was very, very low.

  All of that aside, I was more than sure that I was in love with Marcello Morano. Nothing could change that now.

  I had always detested shopping malls. The only thing that had ever seemed to make them tolerable was when Felicity went with me. Somehow it turned the entire experience into a series of entertaining events.

  But Felicity wasn’t with me today. I hadn’t heard from her since telling her to “get out” of my classroom. I didn’t blame her. But I did miss her. I just didn’t know how we could possibly repair our friendship with Marcello still being very much a part of my life. Aside from her opinion that he was “a piece of shit”, Felicity had been on point with all of her other concerns. I knew this. I just didn’t know how to get through to her that it didn’t matter anymore.

  I was all in. There was no going back from that.

  So here I was, contemplating a Cinnabon alone in the food court, preparing to splurge far more than I ever had on my outfit for this upcoming first date (savings accounts are overrated, right?), and desperately wishing Fel was here to crack jokes and make the throngs of people seem less overwhelming.

�� I heard my name called out cheerfully over the din of the crowd. I turned abruptly, scanning faces until I saw Alex waving a hand and grinning.

  “Alex!” I returned, smiling and overly relieved to see a familiar face amongst the madness. Alexander Thomas was Winston’s fifth grade teacher, and he had long been a favorite for his easy-going nature. Any kindness to balance out the stuffy, rigid parents that kept our paychecks coming was more than welcome amongst the Winston faculty.

  He made his way to me, grinning widely, balancing several shopping bags and a sleeve of Sbarro breadsticks. “Guess it’s snack time for everybody, huh?” He nodded toward the pastry in my hand.

  I shrugged. “Anything to make the mall less obnoxious.” We exited the food court, leaving behind the worst of the noise, and fell into step walking casually past storefront after storefront.

  “Big purchaser today, eh?” He laughed, referring to my still bagless personage.

  “Ha. Taking my time,” I said, hoping I didn’t start blushing at the immediate thought of my reason for being at the mall that day. “How about you? Did you forget Christmas or something?” Change the subject. Quickly.

  Alex laughed loudly. “Pretty sure my kids would have murdered me if that were the case. Nah. Just have the in-laws coming in for a little late Christmas extravaganza. The wife sent me here with a list. If she weren’t eight months pregnant, she never would have gotten away with that one.” He laughed again, and I mentally sympathized with his plight.

  In-laws can be tricky.

  The store I wanted was only a little way down, so I stopped abruptly at a candle shop. “This is me! Need any candles?” I tried to act nonchalant, knowing I didn’t need any fucking candles myself.

  Alex gestured to a bag. “Already covered that one.” He nodded in the direction of a bohemian gift shop. “That’s my next stop.”